The NHC.Bit library

This document describes the interface to the NHC.Bit library, originally from the Haskell 1.3 library specification.
  module NHC.Bit where

  infixl  7 ^&
  infixl  6 ^|
  infixl  5 `xor`
  infixl  8 ^<<
  infixl  8 ^>>
  infixl  8 `asr`
  infixl  8 `rol`
  infixl  8 `ror`

  class Integral a => Bits a where
      (^&)    :: a -> a -> a		-- bit-wise and
      (^|)    :: a -> a -> a		-- bit-wise or
      xor     :: a -> a -> a		-- bit-wise xor
      compl   :: a -> a			-- bit-wise complement
      (^<<)   :: a -> Int -> a		-- left shift
      (^>>)   :: a -> Int -> a		-- right shift
      asr     :: a -> Int -> a		-- arithmetic right shift
      rol     :: a -> Int -> a		-- rotate left
      ror     :: a -> Int -> a		-- rotate right
      test    :: Int -> a -> Bool	-- report n'th bit
      set     :: Int -> a -> a		-- set n'th bit
      clear   :: Int -> a -> a		-- clean n'th bit
      bitSize :: a -> Int		-- bit-width of type (not value)

  instance Bits Int where ...

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