types package:graphql

Types referenced by the schema.
Converts a TypeSystemDefinition into a string.
Where directives can appear in a type system definition.
Type system can define a schema, a type or a directive.
schema {
query: Query

directive example on FIELD_DEFINITION

type Query {
field: String example
This example defines a custom directive "@example", which is applied to a field definition of the type definition Query. On the top the schema is defined by taking advantage of the type Query.
Extension for a type system definition. Only schema and type definitions can be extended.
List of types forming a union.
union SearchResult = Person | Photo
Person and Photo are member types of the union SearchResult.
Constructs a complete schema, including user-defined types not referenced in the schema directly (for example interface implementations).
Fragments can only be declared on unions, interfaces, and objects. They are invalid on scalars. They can only be applied on non‐leaf fields. This rule applies to both inline and named fragments.
Variables can only be input types. Objects, unions and interfaces cannot be used as inputs.