par -package:monad-par -package:parallel -package:HaTeX

Execute two operations in parallel, based on parallel.
Spatial parallel composition of a signal function collection parameterized on the routing function.
Unlifted par.
Parallel computation using all available cores. Same as ParOn []
The partition function takes a predicate and a list, and returns the pair of lists of elements which do and do not satisfy the predicate, respectively; i.e.,
partition p xs == (filter p xs, filter (not . p) xs)
>>> partition (`elem` "aeiou") "Hello World!"
("eoo","Hll Wrld!")
Partitions a list of Either into two lists. All the Left elements are extracted, in order, to the first component of the output. Similarly the Right elements are extracted to the second component of the output.


Basic usage:
>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]

>>> partitionEithers list
The pair returned by partitionEithers x should be the same pair as (lefts x, rights x):
>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]

>>> partitionEithers list == (lefts list, rights list)
The partition function takes a predicate p and a stream xs, and returns a pair of lists. The first list corresponds to the elements of xs for which p holds; the second corresponds to the elements of xs for which p does not hold.
'partition' p xs = ('filter' p xs, 'filter' (not . p) xs)
A parser for versions in the format produced by showVersion.
(parens p) parses "P", "(P0)", "((P0))", etc, where p parses "P" in the current precedence context and parses "P0" in precedence context zero
(paren p) parses "(P0)" where p parses "P0" in precedence context zero
Sum of copied_bytes across all parallel GCs
O(n) The partition function takes a predicate a ByteString and returns the pair of ByteStrings with elements which do and do not satisfy the predicate, respectively; i.e.,
partition p bs == (filter p xs, filter (not . p) xs)
O(n) The partition function takes a predicate a ShortByteString and returns the pair of ShortByteStrings with elements which do and do not satisfy the predicate, respectively; i.e.,
partition p bs == (filter p sbs, filter (not . p) sbs)