par -package:base package:HaTeX

Start a new paragraph
Start a paragraph.
Parallel <math>.
Partial-differentiation symbol <math>
Partial-differentiation of variable, e.g. frac (partialOf h) (partialOf t) → <math>.
Parse a Text sequence as a LaTeX block. If it fails, it returns an error string.
Read a file and parse it as LaTeX.
The LaTeX parser. Use parseLaTeX to parse a Text containing LaTeX code. If the Text is in a file, you may want to use parseLaTeXFile. Use this module together with Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax to perform analysis and transformations of LaTeX code. The parser (parseLaTeX) is related with the renderer (render) by the following property: If t :: Text is a syntactically valid LaTeX block, then:
fmap render (parseLaTeX t) == Right t
This property says two things:
  • Given a valid LaTeX input, parseLaTeX returns a LaTeX value.
  • If the parsed value is again rendered, you get the initial input.
In other words, parseLaTeX is a partial function defined over the set of valid LaTeX files, and render is its left inverse.
The abstract data type ParseError represents parse errors. It provides the source position (SourcePos) of the error and a list of error messages (Message). A ParseError can be returned by the function parse. ParseError is an instance of the Show and Eq classes.
Parser with Text input and ParserConf environment.
Configuration for the LaTeX parser.
An argument enclosed between ( and ).
Paragraph column with text vertically aligned at the bottom. Requires array package.
Paragraph column with text vertically aligned at the middle. Requires array package.
Paragraph column with text vertically aligned at the top.
Parameters to use in a scope to change how things are rendered within that scope.
Start a subparagraph (minimal level of sectioning).
Surround a LaTeX math expression by parentheses whose height automatically matches the expression's. Translates to \left(...\right).