par -package:base -package:rebase package:time

Parses a time value given a format string. Missing information will be derived from 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC (which was a Thursday). Supports the same %-codes as formatTime, including %-, %_ and %0 modifiers, however padding widths are not supported. Case is not significant in the input string. Some variations in the input are accepted:
  • %z %Ez accepts any of ±HHMM or ±HH:MM.
  • %Z %EZ accepts any string of letters, or any of the formats accepted by %z.
  • %0Y accepts exactly four digits.
  • %0G accepts exactly four digits.
  • %0C accepts exactly two digits.
  • %0f accepts exactly two digits.
For example, to parse a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, while allowing the month and date to have optional leading zeros (notice the - modifier used for %m and %d):
Prelude Data.Time> parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d" "2010-3-04" :: Maybe Day
Just 2010-03-04
Parses a time value given a list of pairs of format and input. Resulting value is constructed from all provided specifiers.
Parse a time value given a format string. Fails if the input could not be parsed using the given format. See parseTimeM for details.
Parse a value in either extended or basic format
Get the string corresponding to the given format specifier.
The class of types which can be parsed given a UNIX-style time format string.
Parse a value in the format
Parse the most commonly used ISO 8601 format.