fail is:module -package:genvalidity-property

Transitional module providing the MonadFail class and primitive instances. This module can be imported for defining forward compatible MonadFail instances:
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail

instance Monad Foo where
(>>=) = {- ...bind impl... -}

-- Provide legacy fail implementation for when
-- new-style MonadFail desugaring is not enabled.
fail =

instance Fail.MonadFail Foo where
fail = {- implementation... -}
See for more details.
Transitional module providing the MonadFail class and primitive instances. This module can be imported for defining forward compatible MonadFail instances:
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail

instance Monad Foo where
(>>=) = {- ...bind impl... -}

-- Provide legacy fail implementation for when
-- new-style MonadFail desugaring is not enabled.
fail =

instance Fail.MonadFail Foo where
fail = {- implementation... -}
See for more details.
An effect providing failure with an error message. This effect is invoked through the fail method from MonadFail. Predefined carriers:
Provider of the MonadFail instance for Eff.
A pure MonadFail.
Types for specifying how text encoding/decoding fails
The failure report formatter is like the print formatter, but it only shows failures. Documentation can be found here.
This library provides a Failable error monad class to unify errors across monads and transformers most commonly used to implement pipelines that can fail.
Compatibility layer for Control.Monad.Fail
Possible causes of failure of request.