a package:probability is:module

You take part in a screening test for a disease that you have with a probability pDisease. The test can fail in two ways: If you are ill, the test says with probability pFalseNegative that you are healthy. If you are healthy, it says with probability pFalsePositive that you are ill. Now consider the test is positive - what is the probability that you are indeed ill?
We play the following game: We roll a die until we stop or we get three spots. In the first case we own all spots obtained so far, in the latter case we own nothing. What is the strategy for maximizing the expected score?
Given a row of n (~50) dice, two players start with a random dice within the first m (~5) dice. Every player moves along the row, according to the pips on the dice. They stop if a move would exceed the row. What is the probability that they stop at the same die? (It is close to one.) Kruskal's trick: http://faculty.uml.edu/rmontenegro/research/kruskal_count/kruskal.html Wuerfelschlange (german): http://www.math.de/exponate/wuerfelschlange.html/
Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model parameters
  • g : victims' growth factor
  • d : predators' death factor
  • s : search rate
  • e : energetic efficiency
Number type based on Float with formatting in percents.
Randomized values
Collection of some shapes of distribution.
Deterministic and probabilistic generators