a -package:probability -package:persistent-test

Combinator for the <a> element. Example:
a $ span $ toHtml "foo"
Incandescent / Tungsten
Elliptical Arc (absolute). This is the internal definition for absolute arcs. It is not exported but instead exported as aa due to naming conflicts with a.
Combinator for the <a> element.
For any Applicative functor f, A f is the Arrow instance associated to f. The A constructor can be used to convert a value of type f (a -> b) into an arrow.
IPv4 address
Generic type A. Can be used to test polymorphic functions with a type variable such as take or sort:
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
by binding them to the following types:
take :: Int -> [A] -> [A]
sort :: [A] -> [A]
This type is homomorphic to Nat6, B, C, D, E and F. It is instance to several typeclasses so that it can be used to test functions with type contexts.
Helper type synonym
The alpha color component.