a -package:compdata package:sdl2-gfx

The alpha color component.
Render an arc, its Pos being its center. The Start and End arguments define the starting and ending points of the arc in degrees, zero degrees being south and increasing counterclockwise.
Desired rotation in degrees.
Bindings to SDL2_gfx's framerate management functionality. These functions should allow you to set, manage and query a target application framerate.
A certain number of frames per second.
A framerate manager, counting frames and keeping track of time delays necessary to reach a certain target framerate.
Generate and apply a delay in order to maintain a constant target framerate. This should be called once per rendering loop. Delay will automatically be set to zero if the computer cannot keep up (if rendering is too slow). Returns the number of milliseconds since the last time delay was called (possibly zero).
Same as delay, but doesn't return the time since it was last called.