a -package:compdata package:fgl

Finds the articulation points for a connected undirected graph, by using the low numbers criteria: a) The root node is an articulation point iff it has two or more children. b) An non-root node v is an articulation point iff there exists at least one child w of v such that lowNumber(w) >= dfsNumber(v).
i                                  0
For each edge a--->b insert into graph the edge a<---b . Then change the
i         (i,0,i)
label of every edge from a---->b to a------->b
where label (x,y,z)=(Max Capacity, Current flow, Residual capacity)
Labeled links to or from a Node.
Basic Graph Algorithms
True if the graph has any edges of the form (A, A).
Remove all labels.
Example Graphs
denote unlabeled edges