fix -package:rebase -package:stack package:lens

Field rules for fields in the form _fieldname (the leading underscore is mandatory). Note: The primary difference to camelCaseFields is that for classUnderscoreNoPrefixFields the field names are not expected to be prefixed with the type name. This might be the desired behaviour when the DuplicateRecordFields extension is enabled.
Generate overloaded field accessors based on field names which are only prefixed with an underscore (e.g. _name), not additionally with the type name (e.g. _fooName). This might be the desired behaviour in case the DuplicateRecordFields language extension is used in order to get rid of the necessity to prefix each field name with the type name. As an example:
data Foo a  = Foo { _x :: Int, _y :: a }
newtype Bar = Bar { _x :: Char }
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Foo
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Bar
will create classes
class HasX s a | s -> a where
x :: Lens' s a
class HasY s a | s -> a where
y :: Lens' s a
together with instances
instance HasX (Foo a) Int
instance HasY (Foo a) a where
instance HasX Bar Char where
For details, see classUnderscoreNoPrefixFields.
makeFieldsNoPrefix = makeLensesWith classUnderscoreNoPrefixFields
A Prism stripping a prefix from a sequence when used as a Traversal, or prepending that prefix when run backwards:
>>> "preview" ^? prefixed "pre"
Just "view"
>>> "review" ^? prefixed "pre"
>>> prefixed "pre" # "amble"
A Prism stripping a suffix from a sequence when used as a Traversal, or appending that suffix when run backwards:
>>> "review" ^? suffixed "view"
Just "re"
>>> "review" ^? suffixed "tire"
>>> suffixed ".o" # "hello"
A FieldNamer that strips the _ off of the field name, lowercases the name, and skips the field if it doesn't start with an '_'.
The stripSuffix function drops the given suffix from a list. It returns Nothing if the list did not end with the suffix given, or Just the list after the suffix, if it does.
>>> stripSuffix "bar" "foobar"
Just "foo"
>>> stripSuffix "foo" "foo"
Just ""
>>> stripSuffix "bar" "barfoo"
>>> stripSuffix "foo" "barfoobaz"