GHC 8.10.1 released

bgamari - 2020-03-24

The GHC team is happy to announce the availability of GHC 8.10.1. Source and binary distributions are available at the usual place.

GHC 8.10.1 brings a number of new features including:

  • The new UnliftedNewtypes extension allowing newtypes around unlifted types.

  • The new StandaloneKindSignatures extension allows users to give top-level kind signatures to type, type family, and class declarations.

  • A new warning, -Wderiving-defaults, to draw attention to ambiguous deriving clauses

  • A number of improvements in code generation, including a new loop analyzer, optimisation of memset, memcpy and array allocation, more aggressive specialisation, and pointer tagging for larger data types.

  • A new GHCi command, :instances, for listing the class instances available for a type.

  • An upgraded Windows toolchain lifting the MAX_PATH limitation

  • A new, low-latency garbage collector.

  • Improved support profiling, including support for sending profiler samples to the eventlog, allowing correlation between the profile and other program events

A full accounting of the changes of this release can be found in the release notes. A guide for migrating existing code to GHC 8.10 can be found in the release migration notes.

Note that at the moment we still require that macOS Catalina users exempt the binary distribution from the notarization requirement by running xattr -cr . on the unpacked tree before running make install. This situation will hopefully be improved for GHC 8.10.2 with the resolution of #17418.


  • Ben